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Can and Cannot: Debts That Can Be Discharged Through Bankruptcy

In addition to immediate protection from garnishment and collection efforts made by creditors, bankruptcy provides tools for discharging or reorganizing your debt. Using the method right for your financial picture Read More

Are You the One in Five People Whose Medical Bills Might Lead to Bankruptcy?

With an estimated 20 to 30 million more Americans likely to get health insurance under the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare” launching in full in 2014, medical economists caution that Read More

Bankruptcy as an Answer to Inadequate Insurance Coverage During Hurricane Sandy

The water had barely subsided after Hurricane Sandy struck in 2012 when financial worries began to mount. Many families lost their homes and life savings to the wind, rain and Read More

Even Under Obamacare, Medical Bankruptcies Can Still Happen to New Yorkers

The Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”) is transforming the landscape in healthcare, broadly expanding the total number of people who can afford or access health insurance. This is expected Read More

Three Tactics to Avoid Financial Devastation from Healthcare Costs

It is fairly well understood that medical costs — such as a two-day emergency hospitalization that comes with a bill of more than $100,000 — are a primary cause of Read More

How the Hardship Rules Regarding Student Loans and Bankruptcy Work

Outstanding student loans in the United States topped $1 trillion in 2011, which now exceeds the amount of credit card debt held by all Americans. That does not tell the Read More

The Burdens of Student Loan Debt Need Fixing

The financial burdens of student loans rest heavily, of course, on the most recent generation of college graduates. Some have accumulated three or more times as much debt as their Read More

Double Trouble: Hurricane Sandy, Added to Other Financial Burdens, Begs a Solution

Life sometimes doles out bad luck in double doses. Given how many millions of people were directly and indirectly affected by Hurricane Sandy, it’s clear that thousands of people in Read More

What Are the Signs That Your Healthcare Debts Might Be Best Managed Through Bankruptcy?

The new healthcare system in the United States under the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) should lead to a significant improvement in how millions of people are covered by insurance. Healthcare Read More

Welcome to the Law Office of Gregory Messer

Welcome. Thank you for visiting the blog of our office. We will be updating this blog with information about the firm, recent legal updates and other legal issues. Read More

How Can I Fight Wage Garnishment?

Wage garnishment in New York is a familiar subject to most employers’ payroll departments. This is because creditors in the recession have won record numbers of court orders to garnish Read More

Can My Divorce and Bankruptcy be Filed at the Same Time?

It may seem as if New York divorce and bankruptcy law are about two largely unrelated things. Sure, financial distress is often a predicator of marital dissolution. In addition, divorce Read More

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