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Passing the Means Test for Chapter 7

An individual debtor who wishes to discharge of debts under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code must usually pass the means test. This is a device intended to prevent people Read More

What are the Advantages of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?

The national trends for bankruptcy filings are good, in that the total number of individuals and businesses filing for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 nationwide are down. However, a Read More

Difficult Choices for Homeowners Following Hurricane Sandy

In many ways, the storm was the simple part. When Hurricane Sandy blew into the greater New York area in October 2012, it took barely a day to wreak $65 Read More

Could the COVID-19 Pandemic Lead to the End of Medical Bankruptcy?

In the middle of an election year where healthcare is already a hotly debated issue, the COVID-19 pandemic has stirred further discussion about whether major changes are necessary. During the Read More

Addressing the Misconceptions of Bankruptcy

Brooklyn, NY—in 1980, after taking a bankruptcy law course, Gregory Messer switched gears and became a bankruptcy attorney, and has never looked back.   Becoming a bankruptcy lawyer was unexpected Read More

Post-Sandy: Can a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy be My Best Option?

What might climate change and a Brooklyn Chapter 7 attorney have in common? Plenty, given how major storms can be the event that pushes people and companies financially over the Read More

What is a Bankruptcy Trustee’s Role?

Bankruptcies in the United States are overseen by a trustee appointed by the court. However, a bankruptcy trustee is not the same as the United States Trustee, the federal office Read More

Chapter 7: Eligibility And The Means Test

In 2005, significant changes to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code were made to reduce the number of people eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the most commonly filed form of Read More

Understanding Your Credit Score

A credit score, often called a FICO, is determined from information listed on your credit report. FICO is an acronym for Fair Isaac and Company, the developer of software used to calculate credit Read More

Should You Consider Bankruptcy?

If your finances are too tight and you cannot regularly pay your bills, it is time to take stock of your real financial picture. Recognizing signs of serious insolvency can Read More

“Medical Bankruptcy” — is it an Option?

In the politically charged atmosphere surrounding the Affordable Care Act, it is hard to get a straight answer about whether medical bankruptcies are a driving factor behind personal insolvency in Read More

Can a Short Sale Reduce Your Taxes and Save Your Credit Score?

The work of a Bronx short sale attorney might appear to be somewhat grim. In fact, however, such lawyers are problem solvers ― short sales help distressed homeowners find smart, Read More

What Can You Keep When You File Bankruptcy?

For many people unable to pay their bills, bankruptcy is the only reasonable option to restore some kind of financial stability. Most people worry about the possessions they will lose Read More

Understanding the Bankruptcy Option Right For You

Bankruptcy is a smart option for those facing bills that realistically will never be paid. Understanding the need for consumers to get a fresh start after financial hardship, legislators created Read More

Fact and Fiction: Myths about Bankruptcy

If you are considering bankruptcy as an option, you need to separate fact from fiction. Consider these points: Fiction:  Changes in the bankruptcy law in 2005 made filing for bankruptcy impossible. Fact: Legislative Read More

The Benefits of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a powerful option to help you regain secure financial footing. If you are facing expenses and bills you cannot pay, understanding what bankruptcy has to offer is important. Consider Read More

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